
once again late...or maybe not

hmm those updates every two weeks ar stating to become a habit. not what I had planned but works for me. lets just say, I did that on purpose and I'm actually on time ;)

and it's finally starting to get warmer outside, which means more outdoor pictures

081/365 ~ A clown sees life simply, without complications.

I'm really starting to like street photography

todays picture is not done yet. any ideas? ;)


a little overdue

I've been slacking with last weeks update, which is for the most part to blame on exam week and too little time for photography...but hey, better late than never, right!?

2 out of 12 months are done and it hasnt always been easy. lets see how the next 10 months go ;)
February 2010

last weeks pictures

here's todays picture. I'm trying out some out of focus pictures. I really like the look of it, so there will probably be more of those in the future ;)
067/365 ~ OoF

  © 2009 McZee's Photography by Marie Zeiler || Blogger template 'Morning Drink' by Ourblogtemplates.com 2008

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