
beauty of snow

I really don't understand how anyone can not like snow!!


medium format film

FINALLY finished the roll of film from my Voigtländer...only took me almost a year ;)

after the first few test shots (two bottom pictures) I pretty much left the camera sitting in the closet for the rest of the last year.
finally decided to finish the film a few weeks ago. considering it's my first time with medium format film I think they turned out pretty good.

gotta love the imperfection of old film cameras!!



we had -13°C this morning...so not fun to go from a warm cozy bed to those temperatures.

went to IKEA for breakfast with a friend and of course bought lots of stuff I don't really need but seem really necessary when you see it in the store ;)


little diana

really enjoying my little Diana so far. she's so little and small I can take her everywhere without even noticing the weight!
first two rolls turned out great for the most part. a bit over exposed on some pictures, but I'll get the hang of it :)

  © 2009 McZee's Photography by Marie Zeiler || Blogger template 'Morning Drink' by Ourblogtemplates.com 2008

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