
candy, candy and more candy

time for a new post :)

recently I've been eating all kinds of sweet things. the sweeter the better lol

who else loves donuts? seriously I just love them. I haven't eaten some in like two years, cause they don't sell them here everywhere. BUT some time ago I was wandering through the supermarket looking for a lunch and there I saw them. I'm telling you I almost ate all of them at once ;)

another thing that's really yummy and quite good when its that hot inside are milkshakes. you have no idea how good a nutterbuttershake is. I actually was gonna go for an oreoshake, but they didn't had oreo cookies anymore :(

I'm not sure which one I like more. the nutterbuttershake from the coffe shop or the vanilla frappucino from starbucks lol

well that was it for now. I'll post some nature pictures I've made some time ago soon :)


Laura 26 June, 2008 12:05  

I think id like the vanilla frap better. Im not that crazy about donuts but those look yummy they look Canadian with the red and white ^_^

Great post, cant wait to see your nature shots.

Keep this thing updated girl, great to hear from you!


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