
autumn's beauty

wow, it's been a while since I last posted something. well, just so you now I haven't forgotten about my bolg, just haven't had time to use my camera and take some pictures.

but today I went for a walk in the woods with my family and I thought I'd use that opportunity to take some fall pictures.

I would have liked the leaves to be more redish, cause that just makes autumn as awsome as it is.
but this year we seem to have just yellow, green or browinsh colors :/

these were taken with my new macro lense btw. haven't had all that mucht tim to try it out, so they're far from perfect, but don't worry, I'll get the hang of it lol


Laura 19 October, 2008 15:23  

The first one has to be my favorite. I really thing that was a perfect choice for a new layout to. Very lovely job. Great job with the new lens to for it being your first time using it. Plus it shows the most color to.

Sarah 20 October, 2008 22:13  

*jaw drop* I love the layout! The picture is just perfect for an autumn theme and the little poem is beautiful. My favorite picture has to be the first berries. They look delicious, and just a little bit of spring left in the dying autumn woods.


  © 2009 McZee's Photography by Marie Zeiler || Blogger template 'Morning Drink' by Ourblogtemplates.com 2008

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