
"capturing time" - photography class #1

first assignment for my photography class was due today. though he extended it till next week some, including me, already presented the pictures today. I may actually take a couple of more pictures till next week...we'll see :)
the theme of the assignment was "capturing time", so I tried out both short shutter speed and long ones. though I have to say I'm liking long exposure so much more for this theme.

this is I think the only picture with a short shutter speed from this series

now lets get to the long exposure pictures ;)
I'm loving the smoothness of the water you get with a longer exposure. this picture also gave me the oppurtunity to try out my b/w filter I got a while ago.

this was the first idea that came to my mind when I thought about how to capture time. both of them were taking in the late afternoon as the sun started to go down. one of a tram driving by and the other ones of the back lights of cars.
110/365 ~ long exposure tram

and my favorite from these pictures. a long exposure of an escalator. you can still see some traces of people on the sides of the pictures. and I'm really liking the b/w on this one

if anyone has any other ideas as to how "capture time"...any idea is welcomed :)


"Haus des Meeres"

we went to "Haus des Meeres" today, cause we still had coupons we got as a christmas present.
it's pretty funny, that I've lived in this city my whole life and never been there before. so, naturally I took lots of pictures...so enjoy ;)

by far my favorite animals we saw there...the monkeys. they were running around all over the place and one ran by right beside my head hehe

I could have definitely done without the snakes and spiders thoug...

and on some other news, one of my picture got featured on another blog :)


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