
"Haus des Meeres"

we went to "Haus des Meeres" today, cause we still had coupons we got as a christmas present.
it's pretty funny, that I've lived in this city my whole life and never been there before. so, naturally I took lots of pictures...so enjoy ;)

by far my favorite animals we saw there...the monkeys. they were running around all over the place and one ran by right beside my head hehe

I could have definitely done without the snakes and spiders thoug...

and on some other news, one of my picture got featured on another blog :)



Laura 11 April, 2010 02:23  

LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! I LOVE the jelly fish! it's making like a heart shape in there. Also look look!! its a DORY fish!!! and and and A TURTLE!! I gotta get that 50mm lens!! The 70-300 is finally under 300 dollars now I just need the 50mm to keep dropping!!.

I keep lookin at your blog name and I want something cool like that for mine. Mine just isn't unique and well sadly neither is my stupid name blah

Bastl 14 April, 2010 00:54  

affen im hausde mneeres?? seamonkeys?

marie 17 April, 2010 13:41  

@Laura: wow, under 300 for the 70-300 is really cheap. I think here it still costs around 400 Euro. how much is the 50mm?

@Bastl: tststs kanst kein deutsch mehr? ;) das haus des meeres hat ja auch einen tropenraum, das sind die affen frei umadumglaufen

Laura 17 April, 2010 23:19  

Finally she answers and we see a sign of life!. When I wrote the reply it was 449, now its back to 458.86 and the 70-300 is still at 299.


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