
mini-revamp and self portraits

okay, so I was in the mood for something new for my blog. nothing too drastic, cause I really like the simplicity of this template, but a little change was in order. I wanted to get rid of the sidebar for a long time, cause it was just too full for my liking, and I couldnt post the pictures bigger. so, as you see, the sidebar is gone now and you can find it on the left side, where it will slide out when you click on it :) I also got rid of the top menu bar. all things that were previously there you now also find in the new sidebar. The only new site is the "about me"-page, which I wanted to do for quite a while. the blogroll is a little on the plain side right now, so I may think of something for that.
I hope everyone likes the new look and if anyone has any problems please let me know :)

and because a post without pictures is not a good post lol here are some self-portraits taken for my photography class
liking this one vertical more, as most people I've asked do


new little toy and some more zoo pictures

got a new toy to play around with :) since I'm planning to get the hang of my external flash I ordered a wireless flash trigger, so I dont have to put it on the camera all the time and be able to place the flash wherever I want.

152/365 - new little toy

haven't had time to try it our properly yet, but will get to it asap

and I also finally had some time to edit some more zoo pictures

I'm gonna be away form tomorrow till sunday. planning on taking lots of pictures, so there should be another update soon :)

  © 2009 McZee's Photography by Marie Zeiler || Blogger template 'Morning Drink' by Ourblogtemplates.com 2008

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