
white easter

can't remember the last time we had that much snow at easter. I mean we had a little patch of snow here and there, but not like that!! while the snowy trees look really pretty and everybody who knows me, knows I absolutely love snow...can spring come already, please!? I'm so done with snow for this winter!!


Laura 31 March, 2013 21:28  

It is really pretty! and props to you for going out there to take pictures lol. I agree with you...give us Spring already...they are saying snow tomorrow...we will see. So far aside from plow piles, its pretty much gone, still cold, but I am okay not seeing snow again till next year

marie 31 March, 2013 23:03  

oh I would not have gone out there even if you paid me lol these were taken from the car.
we're supposed to have a little su tomorrow. hope it's true ;)


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