
white easter

can't remember the last time we had that much snow at easter. I mean we had a little patch of snow here and there, but not like that!! while the snowy trees look really pretty and everybody who knows me, knows I absolutely love snow...can spring come already, please!? I'm so done with snow for this winter!!



can't believe how fast my herbs are growing. two weeks ago there was barely anything there, and look at them now :)
have a great weekend, happy easter and eat some chocolate eggs!


new project: growing herbs

considering I don't have the best experiences with keeping plants and flowers alive, we'll see how that will go...but right now I'm highly motivated ;)

have a great weekend! 
all pictures taken with the Tamron 17-50mm

  © 2009 McZee's Photography by Marie Zeiler || Blogger template 'Morning Drink' by Ourblogtemplates.com 2008

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