
birhtday fun

it was my mom's boyfriend's dad's birthday party (wow that was hard lol) yesterday. we had really luck with the weather cause it was all sunny, while today it's raining all day
anyway, of course I took some pictures

as most family parties most of the time is spent eating lol after the meal we went back home and had dessert there. the best part were the bubbles.

it always amazes me how something so simple can be so much fun

no matter how old you are (that's the birthday "kid" btw)

and I even managed to get one sharp bubble picture hehe

and one of me, just cause I was bored ;)


Laura 20 July, 2008 21:21  

I like the sizes you use to post your pics. I need to figure a size and basically stick with it. They kinda keep growing in size just cause I found my like original size I was doing kinda suck on a 4x6. Not sucky but they could be better so ive upped the sizes.

Anyway LOVE the bubble pic and you heh your so cute!


  © 2009 McZee's Photography by Marie Zeiler || Blogger template 'Morning Drink' by Ourblogtemplates.com 2008

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