
black and white try-out

ok, so I've been playing around with different settings on my camera lately and totally fell in love with the black/white setting.
we had a family thing last weekend, which was just the perfect opporunity to try it out :)

I really like this one. dunno why, I mean it's just a cup of coffee and the cup's not even all clean. but somehow with the black/white and the contrast being not that harsh, it kinda did it to me


Laura 01 November, 2008 12:37  

I personally like the one with your name. But the coffee cup is cool!. Great job with the black and white, gonna have to give it a try at some point to.

I have that same coca-cola glass I have a couple of them and use them all the time. Though if there is ever soda in it *usually I just drink from a can cause it stays colder longer and seems to go flat faster in a cup* It's usually Pepsi.

marie 07 November, 2008 11:58  

I liked the one with my name on the camera, not so much on the computer lol just reminds me that my name is way too long for my liking hehe


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