
even more smoke

changed the header of my blog, again featuring one of my pictures. and also my blog has a name now. poor thing was nameless long enough, if you ask me hehe
the name kinda came out of my first and last name mixed with a little creativity ;)

as for new pictures, I haven't really got any time to take new ones lately, cause I've been pretty busy with uni and work. so I looked through the ones I made from the smoke shooting and played around with those a little more.
now I need your opinion, cause I can't decide which editing looks better.

the ones with the white backround or the ones with the black?


Laura 28 November, 2008 16:54  

Im personally not big on the first one at all. The second one...maybe but I think it looks that much more creative on the black. I like the smoke pattern on the second. But I think the black made it stand out more, while with the first one on white...it was kinda blinding. I mean its a good picture, don't get me wrong. I just really like the black ones. I think its cause you kinda won me over with the ones on black when you colored them, seriously those are still friggen awesome.

marie 29 November, 2008 18:56  

yeah, I'm leaning more towards the black ones too. the white backround is too bright, specially in the first one. dunno, I'll probably play around with them a little more hehe

thanks :)


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