
christmas cookies

one thing I always loved about christmas were all the delicious cookies you get to eat. when I was a kid me and my brother always baked some with my mom, but that stopped as we got older. so right now, I'm pretty much the only one that bakes at this time of the year.

the first ones I made were chocolate-peanutbutter cookies...with lots of sugar lol believe me you can't eat more then 3 or 4 or you get sick. well at least that's how it is with me...not so much with my brother lol

I was actually just planning on doing just the one kind, but ended up doing some simple butter cookies too

I remember doing those same cookies with my brother and mother when we were kids

and of course we always fought, who could lick those clean lol good thing there are two of them

and this is what they look like now. well not all of them, I just decorated some of them and left the rest the way it was.


Sarah 19 December, 2008 17:03  

Chocolate...peanut butter...Vienna... okay that's it, I'm coming to your house for Christmas lmao! We are seriously lacking on the cookie front over here, my mom brought out some cookie dough the other night that she had made and frozen but apparently it was just to tease me because she didn't have time to bake them, hmm maybe that's what I should do today since the blizzard has me stuck indoors.

Ooh me and my brother use to love decorating shaped sugar cookies! I think they are more fun to decorate than to eat (not that that's not fun too!)


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