
christmas market

went to a christmas market today. my first one this year...well actually the third one but the first two where just walking through on the way to uni and home so they don't really count. didn't even have a camera with me those time, so I see this one as my first lol

christmas markets are one of the main thing I look forward at this time of the year.

even when I'm not in the christmas feeling yet, I alway get into it when I walk around at one of those markets and drink some mulled wine and eat all kind of unhealthy food.

these two aren't totally sharp, but I still kinda like them. they show the dynamic you can see on a chritmas market with all the people and stuff.

I'll probably go take my camera to another christmas market, so there may come some more christmasy pictures ;)


Laura 10 December, 2008 18:07  

Very Festive. I like the pics of the candy canes. I hate them but they are pretty LoL. I like the fruit flavoured ones the blue ones are really good. I just am not big on mint stuff. Looking forward to more pics.


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