
winter impressions

happy new year everyone!!
hope you all had an amazing time, I know I did.
I got out of the city in the search for a little snow, since we barely get it here.
got some great pictures, which are just perfect for the first post in the new year ;)

we dared each other to jump over this little river. I was a little hesitant first, cause I had the camera and my shoes didn't have the best profile. but after I heard my mom tell me not to do it, I really didn't have any other choice other than do it, right? ;)


Sarah 03 January, 2009 01:28  

Awesome pictures! Very dramatic. Why is it that when I photograph snow it just looks like a white blob? lmao!

Laura 03 January, 2009 02:34  

Okay I was totally thinking the comment about jumping the little rover thing was referring to the picture where your standing on the dock. Im thinking okay your more insane then you let on cause your saying you got your camera, and below you can clearly see its not frozen and Im like okay shes insane...then I looked below and saw the split creek thing your talking about and okay that I can see you jumping.


  © 2009 McZee's Photography by Marie Zeiler || Blogger template 'Morning Drink' by Ourblogtemplates.com 2008

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