
christmas tree

since everyone else seems to already have posted a picture of their decorated tree, I thought I'd share some too.
I'm not really all that happy with the ones I have so far, so there'll probably come some more tree shots lol

and this one's the product of a little PS fun ;)

many more pictures coming soon, so keep checking back


merry christmas

hope everyone has a great christmas with your loved ones


christmas cookies

one thing I always loved about christmas were all the delicious cookies you get to eat. when I was a kid me and my brother always baked some with my mom, but that stopped as we got older. so right now, I'm pretty much the only one that bakes at this time of the year.

the first ones I made were chocolate-peanutbutter cookies...with lots of sugar lol believe me you can't eat more then 3 or 4 or you get sick. well at least that's how it is with me...not so much with my brother lol

I was actually just planning on doing just the one kind, but ended up doing some simple butter cookies too

I remember doing those same cookies with my brother and mother when we were kids

and of course we always fought, who could lick those clean lol good thing there are two of them

and this is what they look like now. well not all of them, I just decorated some of them and left the rest the way it was.


christmas shopping

I'm pretty much done with christmas shopping, and believe me that's like major for me since I'm always a last minute shopper lol but since I have to work till the 23rd I thought it might get too stressfull

got a book for my brother. just hope my brothers doesn't have it already. I'm gonna keep the bill thoug, just in case.

for my mom I have some scarfs since she takes mine, which is a major pain in the ass. at first I wanted to give her all three of them, but I think I'm gonna keep the green one for me lol it's such a nice color

the only ones I'm still not sure about are my grandparents. I was thiking maybe to give them some pictures I took with the tripod my grandpa gave me. Since they were the first ones I used the tripod for I thought it might be a good idea.

in the end it's supposed to look lik that

still not sure though if I'm gonna buy something instead. we'll see


christmas market

went to a christmas market today. my first one this year...well actually the third one but the first two where just walking through on the way to uni and home so they don't really count. didn't even have a camera with me those time, so I see this one as my first lol

christmas markets are one of the main thing I look forward at this time of the year.

even when I'm not in the christmas feeling yet, I alway get into it when I walk around at one of those markets and drink some mulled wine and eat all kind of unhealthy food.

these two aren't totally sharp, but I still kinda like them. they show the dynamic you can see on a chritmas market with all the people and stuff.

I'll probably go take my camera to another christmas market, so there may come some more christmasy pictures ;)

  © 2009 McZee's Photography by Marie Zeiler || Blogger template 'Morning Drink' by Ourblogtemplates.com 2008

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