
moon and waterdrops

as some know, I'm now the proud owner of a zuiko 70-300mm. Haven't had time to try it out properly yet, cause of work and uni, but after next friday I should have more time :)

so, since I haven't had time during the day I've been waiting for a cloudless night, to get a great moon shot, cause believe me the moon shots I've seen with that lens are freakin awsome!!
mine didn't turn out as great as the ones I've seen cause it hasn't been totally cloudless, but hey definitely better than with my kit lens ;)

and since the weather sucked most of the time in the last couple weeks, I also did some indoor shooting featuring water (once again hehe)


Laura 16 March, 2009 18:42  

So I have come to the conclusions that you just like to make me and Sarah jealous. The moon shot while its awesome the ownage is in the two shots below!. How the eff did you do that!. No like seriously how the eff did you do that!. Someone slap me I'm on repeat....

The first shot is friggen incrediable. Where are you shooting this, what are you doing, what are your camera settings I am BEYOND jealous LoL.

Oh and...Sarah has something to say to but since she can't login and had to leave im posting it for her..



First of all, awesome moon shot. Definitely better than the kit lens, and makes me all the more jealous lol!

Second, I looove the first water shot. The drop is just perfectly formed. Seriously, how do you do that? My only guess is that you throw something in it and then freeze time mid-splash. So my next question is, why have you been hiding your powers all this time?


marie 17 March, 2009 20:41  

hehe glad you two like the drops. believe me it took over 200 shots to get the right time.

basically I just used a bowl filled with water. put my camera on my tripod and focused on the spot where the drop was supposed to be. then I used a pipette to drop water into the bowl and get a splash.
to freeze the drop I used my external flash with a self made. but it probably works with the internal flash just as good

Laura 11 September, 2009 02:25  

I dunno if you will see this comment I hope you get notifications. I am back stalking your blog, anyway I forgot to ask what is your external flash? and what do you mean a self made?

marie 25 September, 2009 23:06  

okay there has to be an option that you get notified when you get a comment. I only saw that accidentally lol

I have an metz 48 AF-1 flash.
oopsie there is a word missing lol. I meant self made softbox.


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