
minor layout change

okay, so I wasn't 100% happy with the layout I had, cause the sidebar was too full for my liking. so I looked trough the internet for a solution. I found an instruction, where you can get a drop down menu bar, which helped to get rid of some sidebar stuff.
I now have the copyright and the (updated) photography bag in the drop down bar. the favorite sites I think I will leave on the sidebar too, cause its easier to keep track of updates. I thought I might leave the ones I don't want to miss an update from on the side and in the drop down menu I put others I also like, but don't follow regularly.

like it or hate it?
me, I like it so far, but knowing me I'll probably find something else that bugs me pretty soon hehe

for those, who like the drop down bar and also want one, I found the instruction here ;)

and I also changed the tag list to a more "cloudy" one, cause the old one was too neat for my liking


Laura 25 October, 2009 13:47  

For a minute I was like the sidebar doesn't look any different where is this drop down thing, though I did see the cloud and I like that one more then our neat one...if I hadn't hovered over your layout I think I woulda been all okay what drops down, but i see it and LOVE IT! that is awesome. You put the instructions up for me didn't you hehe. I may just have to make the change. For now Im going with the grounds that I am to lazy to do that. But it really does look awesome and yay for camera bags!

marie 25 October, 2009 20:17  

I think if I could somehow integrate the widgets on the side in the drop down menu, I'd get rid of the sidebar alltogether
only stupid thing about the drop down is, that it doesnt work in IE. theres a newer version, that works in most browsers, but I havent gotten that to work yet


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