
it's getting cold...

I'm so not getting along with all that temparture change. yesterday we had about 11/12 °C, today it dropped to 5°C. guess its really starting to get cold.

hmm, wonder if these lanterns we have in the garden are gonna survive the winter...


I've switched the dropdown menu to a newer version, so it should work in all browsers now. If anyone has any problems with it, please let me know :)


first try at self portraits

photographing people is really not something I've done all that much in the past, except for snapshots. thought its time to change that, and what better way to start, then with yourself ;)

first I tried to just hold the camera at arm length...well turns out my arm is too short cause I just got really close close-ups. didn't like them too much. then I tried it in front of a mirror, and while I'm still not totally happy with the pictures I got, there was one that I really liked.

don't ask me why. I mean you can't really see my face all that well, but I dunno, it kinda has something to it that I like.


and some "out-takes" on the left, just for fun ;)

I'm thinking about getting a remote control for my camera...will probably make taking self portraits easier :)


minor layout change

okay, so I wasn't 100% happy with the layout I had, cause the sidebar was too full for my liking. so I looked trough the internet for a solution. I found an instruction, where you can get a drop down menu bar, which helped to get rid of some sidebar stuff.
I now have the copyright and the (updated) photography bag in the drop down bar. the favorite sites I think I will leave on the sidebar too, cause its easier to keep track of updates. I thought I might leave the ones I don't want to miss an update from on the side and in the drop down menu I put others I also like, but don't follow regularly.

like it or hate it?
me, I like it so far, but knowing me I'll probably find something else that bugs me pretty soon hehe

for those, who like the drop down bar and also want one, I found the instruction here ;)

and I also changed the tag list to a more "cloudy" one, cause the old one was too neat for my liking


looking at things from different angles

see, I'm really making an effort to blog more often hehe
with uni starting, I haven't had all that much time to take pictures, but I was looking through the pictures on my camera, and came across some I took right after I got the 50mm lens.

trying out some different angles is always fun and I wanted to know if the 50mm would also be good for macro pictures

with flowers I'm never sure, weither I like them better in color or b/w

I think it all depens on the flower itself. as much as I love b/w pictures, I think in this case I'm gonna go with color

this coming sunday its the end of summertime, which means we have to change all the clocks for one hour. good thing is we're gonna gain one hour, stupid thing is that its gonna get dark sonner than already. not a big fan of that for many reasons, one of them being thats its gonna suck for taking pictures in the afternoon.

but getting out all the candles, is definitely one good thing ;)

edit: hmm, looking at the pitures in firefox they look a little over-edited...they looked fine in PS :/


fall is finally here

well, at least according to the colors of the leaves


the weather...not so much. its still way too warm for this time of the year, which is not necessarily a bad thing but I'm really looking forward to getting out the hats and scarfs.


well, I guess I'll keep walking around in the garden barefoot and taking pictures of the beautiful red coloring. or is the green prettier?


me...I like both ;-)

these were all taken with the 50mm. seiously such an awsome lens. can't wait to get to know her more hehe

  © 2009 McZee's Photography by Marie Zeiler || Blogger template 'Morning Drink' by Ourblogtemplates.com 2008

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