well, I got my wisdom tooth pulled out today.
had to eat and drink a lot before the appointment, which didnt work out that well cause I rarely eat breakfast. so I had to force some food down. the procedure itself didnt really hurt cause I got a shot beforehand. now after shot stopped working...thats another thing. I tried to sleep off the pain for the most, which did not work, cause as soon as the shot stopped working I woke up from the pain.
thank god I got a prescription for pain killers from my dentist. right now it hurts to open my mouth, can't really chewing anything, so all I ate today after the tooth came out was applesauce and some soup. I've also put an icepack on it all through the afternoon cause its a bit swollen and seem to help with the pain a bit.
hope that gets better soon.
naturally todays picture had to do something with it, so here's the little sucker thats been torturing me for the last couple of weeks.

I also found my tooth box, where I keep all my milk teeth. its been a long time since I added a tooth in that box lol